Value in Health
Value in Healthcare is measured by outcomes, costs and economic-social impact of healthcare delivery to each citizen.
We are working to accelerate a fundamental restructuring of Healthcare delivery, towards a paradigm shift to Value-Based Healthcare and Patient Empowerment. In this page, we share research, tips and innovative ideas on how to improve Healthcare systems to empower citizens, patients and healthcare professionals to take the right decisions.
January, 08 2025
Meeting of Collaborative Laboratories in the Health Sector – ‘CoLABs in Health: the impact of collaborative research and innovation on society’ – 27th November 2024
Promoting the retention of talent and the introduction of innovative products and services of value to patients, in a growing sharing of knowledge and information between academia, companies, care providers and co-creating citizens are the main conclusions resulting from the moment of reflection on the impact of collaborative laboratories (CoLABs) in the health sector, which took place on 27 November 2024 at the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon, and was attended by the Secretary of State for Health, the National Innovation Agency (ANI), the President of the National Council of Academic Clinical Centres and nearly 130 representatives of stakeholders in the healthcare sector from all over the country.
Digital and Data Science
July, 02 2024
What is the value of digital healthcare solutions?
Digital innovation in health has surged in popularity in the post-pandemic world. While innovators had previously anticipated its benefits, it has now gained recognition from health professionals and decision-makers alike. Digital health has become a popular term, not only among those who develop technology but also among those who use it and benefit from it.
August, 11 2022
Value-Based Healthcare and the Lean methodology: Incompatible or Inseparable?
Both centered on patients and the excellence of health care, VBHC and the Lean methodology have more that unites them than divides them. The VBHC framework is more focused on the outcomes, while the Lean methodology is more focused on the processes to achieve these outcomes, in other words, VBHC focuses on determining “what”, whereas Lean focuses on determining “how” we are going to achieve it. The fact that these methodologies respond to different questions, having the same objective, makes them complementary and not incompatible. In our perspective, the master key to achieving value in healthcare is in working with both the VBHC framework and the Lean methodology, side by side, and design a framework conceptual and operational that can be used to staff training.
May, 28 2020
Improving Health literacy through digital and collaborative education
At Value for Health Colab we keep pace with the latest technological advances. We are developing methodologies to digital literacy to the communication between health professionals and patients, to promote a more equitable access to health and to support decision-making in health care and patient safety.
Digital and Data Science
May, 11 2020
How do Portuguese Digital Health companies react in the face of uncertainty?
The entrance of Coronavirus in Portugal entailed an uncertainty environment to all sectors. In Healthcare, a wide range of challenges has also arised. To help the health system in responding to the pandemics effects, Portuguese companies with action in Digital Health, from the biggest to the smallest, rapidly mobilized themselves, demonstrating the secret of success in Health: collaboration.
May, 01 2020
Health Literacy linked to Terminology
VOH.CoLAB joined NOVA CLUNL to create the COVID-19 Collaborative Glossary, a terminology resource for non-specialists in Health, aimed at informing citizens about the current pandemic in clear and precise language, whose content has been validated by health experts.
Digital and Data Science
March, 24 2020
The new era of 5G
In this article, Pedro Dias, our software developer, explains what is 5G and describes how this technology will impact in Healthcare, providing us some examples of potencial applications that are already being tested in the real world.