Value for Health CoLAB
Help people and organizations, worldwide, measuring value in health to empower them to take the right decisions.
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Cedoc | Yellow Building, Nova Medical School, Edifício CEDOC I, Rua do Instituto Bacteriológico, n.ºs 5, 5-A e 5-B Lisboa Portugal 1150-190
[email protected]

What we do

Collaboration is our vital value. Discover how we can work together.

  • VBHC training

    Do you want to learn how to implement VBHC?

    We train professionals in the healthcare sector for value-based healthcare, through tailored training and crash courses in different VBHC-related topics – outcomes and costs, value assessment, real-world data and applied machine learning for healthcare, etc.

  • VBHC tailored services

    Do you want to boost VBHC into your practice?

    We provide tailored services to cope with organizational needs: Patient pathway design for outcomes measurement, Outcomes & Cost Analysis, Impact assessment, Scorecards for value analysis and Pilot studies to start implementing VBHC.

  • Services for digital health solutions

    Do you want to add value to your digital transformation?

    We develop pilot studies to include VBHC requirements in digital health solutions and support clinical validation for medical device certification (EU – EMDR / US – FDA).

  • Health Literacy

    Do you want to empower patients and citizens?

    We develop health literacy contents to improve the communication and the engagement of patients and citizens. We provide linguistic adjustments & review to make health technology more efficient.

  • Scientific Writing

    Do you want to report scientifically your results in VBHC?

    We conduct data analysis and scientific writing in value-based healthcare.

What do we deliver?

We provide R&D services to support patients, clinical teams, innovators and industry for better healthcare. We have skills in digital health, data science, health economics & management and health literacy.

  • Outcomes definition

    For a specific condition or healthcare service, we collaborate with clinical teams and patients to define the most relevant clinical, patient-reported, social and economic outcomes.

  • Patient Pathway Design

    By engaging patients, caregivers and healthcare providers, we analyze healthcare data and patient journeys to accurately characterize and design inpatient and outpatient pathways that support better care.

  • Patient empowerment for digital health

    We work with partners to implement digital-based and patient-centered healthcare pathways. We provide expertize in health and digital literacy to empower patients to report their own health outcomes through IoT and smart mobile devices, as also to engage them in recovery. We are leveraging digital health and literacy towards high-value care.

  • Cost Analysis

    We apply cost-analysis methodologies, such as Time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC), to analyze costs along health pathways. The engagement and input of providers is crucial for successful costs’ monitoring, better clinical decision-making and organizational change management.

  • Value Assessment

    We apply cutting-edge scientific methods and transfer scientific knowledge into healthcare organizations, enabling them to collect and analyze health outcomes and costs, accurately assess Value in healthcare processes, efficiently manage their resources and improve clinical practice.
