Value For Health CoLAB coordinated the publication of the book Vou ser operado ao coração, e agora? Guia para uma rápida recuperação, authored by José Fragata, doctor of the cardiothoracic surgery specialty. Published by Editora d’IDEIAS, illustrated by Maria Pinheiro and with the support of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology.

This initiative fits into into one of the VOH.CoLAB’s missions, to contribute to the increase of citizens’ Health Literacy.

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The book is part of the CardioFollow.AI project whose aim is the tele-monitoring of patients after discharge from cardiothoracic surgery.

It aims to inform patients who have undergone, or will undergo, heart surgery about the preparation for surgery and the step-by-step post-surgical recovery.

The health literacy objectives incorporated in the work are:

  • to enable access to clear Health information for greater empowerment and aid in Health decision-making;
  • to promote well-being for all, at all ages, regardless of social or cultural issues
  • to ensure access to inclusive, quality, and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.

On the 23rd of June 2022, the event “Promoting self-care to improve health outcomes” was held at the Rectory of the NOVA University of Lisbon, where the book was presented by Luís Represas, former cardiac patient, who testified the importance of this book for the well-being of patients, and also by its author, Prof. José Fragata.

This book is the first of a collection called I take care of my health.
This collection will be oriented towards prevention and self-care, bringing together professionals from different medical specialties, patients, caregivers, and patient’s organizations to co-create a set of books aimed at patients, but of broad interest to ordinary citizens.