Value for Health CoLAB
Help people and organizations, worldwide, measuring value in health to empower them to take the right decisions.
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Cedoc | Yellow Building, Nova Medical School, Edifício CEDOC I, Rua do Instituto Bacteriológico, n.ºs 5, 5-A e 5-B Lisboa Portugal 1150-190
[email protected]

Projects & Services

Our exciting research and innovation projects involve all stakeholders in Healthcare

We go beyond traditional research to implement iterative and short-term pilots which allow us to understand the unmet needs of citizens and healthcare professionals in their real-life context. Our work with industry speeds and streamlines the adoption of effective healthcare solutions and enlightens new added-value business opportunities. Our work with academia brings into the classroom the real context scenarios and scientific evidence of the Healthcare sector, leveraging knowledge sharing for better training of professionals and education of all citizens.

